Kristy Friesen

Learning Services - Success Coach
Phone: 403-887-8455
Hello, my name is Kristy Friesen, and I am a Success Coach for the Mental Health Capacity Building Program and Youth Empowerment and Support Program (YES Program). My partner and I will be delivering mental health education and prevention tools to each classroom from Kindergarten to Grade 8 in Sylvan Lake. We will be offering additional support to smaller focus groups, in and outside of school hours, PD days, and school breaks. Child and youth work is my passion; I have worked with youth for many years as a one-to-one intervention/support worker, in group settings, and initiated community programs for youth at risk.
I have a young family; my son is in Grade 2 at Beacon Hill and my daughter attends Junior Kindergarten at KCS. We live in Sunbreaker Cove across the lake. I enjoy paddleboarding in the summer and riding quads with my family on the frozen lake during the winter. I also love to visit my family back home on Vancouver Island as often as possible. I am looking forward to this year, working with the students in a school setting, and getting back to a normal, healthy learning environment in which we can all grow together.