Hot Lunches

Hot Lunches Available: December - February

Here are the December to February Hot Lunch dates for your reference. Please order all Hot Lunches through your child's online account which can be found in your Parent Portal or under the Online Payments link. Please note: no cash or payment at the office will be taken at any time for a Hot Lunch order. Thanks for your understanding.


December January February
Dec 6: Taco Time Jan 10: Boston Pizza Feb 14: Hot Dogs/Booster Juice
Dec 20: Panago Jan 24: Mr. Mike's Feb 28: Lakeshore Cafe


Hot Lunch Order Deadlines

The 2024/2025 Hot Lunch Order Deadlines are all listed in the list below, as well as being posted on the school website calendar. The order deadline is 11:59 p.m. on the date listed. Due to the nature of the ordering process, the deadlines need to be strictly adhered to.

Monthly Order Deadlines: 11:59 p.m. on each date listed

September: Sept 6 January: Dec 15 April: Mar 15
October: Sept 15 February: Jan 15 May: Apr 15
November: Oct 15 March: Feb 15 June: May 15
December: Nov 15